Dr. Tim Nelson D.C. Hours, Monument CO

Schedule Your Visit

"Dr. Tim" and Cath are always happy to help you feel more comfortable and healthy.

<--- Here are the current days and hours we are available.

Call us to get your visit on the calendar! (719) 434-2781



New Patient Intake Form

It's easy to become a new patient!

Call (719) 434-2781 first to select a time that makes sense for your first massage, adjustment, cupping session, or other service we offer.

To prepare for your visit,

  • click the spine image
  • download the easy pages
  • print them from your computer
  • answer the questions

...then bring your filled-out forms to our office at 1793 Lake Woodmoor Drive.

We'll get to know you and start work to get you feeling better in no time!